B2B SaaS PPC agency that generates super high ROI.

We turn clicks into dollars on Google, Bing, LinkedIn, Facebook, and software review sites like Capterra for B2B SaaS companies.

Shop Boss increases lead volume from paid search by over 300% with SaaS Hero

Katie Russell
“The SaaS Hero team is easy to work with, organized, and knowledgeable. We’ve been very pleased with their attentiveness to our requests as well as their willingness to help solve problems and make our campaigns better.”
Katie Russell, Senior Marketing Manager, Shop Boss shop-boss

The Premier Agency for B2B SaaS Paid Search and Social Campaigns

Dive deep into the transformative power of performance-driven marketing tailored for B2B SaaS companies. At SaaS Hero, we specialize in executing high-performing paid search and social campaigns across leading platforms like like LinkedIn, Google Ads, Microsoft (Bing) Ads, Facebook, Capterra and more. Here's how we build awareness for your brand while reducing CAC:



Comprehensive Campaign Management


From Google Ads to Facebook campaigns, we handle every aspect, ensuring your brand is visible when potential clients are actively searching or scrolling.



Precision in Targeted Marketing


Our performance-based advertising targets specific demographics and interests on platforms like LinkedIn, ensuring your ads resonate with the right B2B audience.


Data-Driven Insights


Monitor conversions, click-through rates, and ROI with real-time analytics. Understand how to measure advertising effectiveness and ensure every dollar spent is optimized.





Stay ahead of the curve, especially when gauging campaign results, with strategies that evolve with the digital landscape.


Harmony with SEO


PPC and SEO work in tandem. Insights from one can bolster the strategies of the other, offering a comprehensive digital approach.

The Power of Remarketing


Engage with users who’ve shown interest in your product. A gentle reminder can often lead to conversion.


Budgetary Flexibility


Adjust your budget based on performance, ensuring cost-effective results-driven digital marketing campaigns.

Why B2B SaaS Companies Choose SaaS Hero to Manage Their Paid Search and Social Campaigns

Understanding Complex Sales Cycles

We craft campaigns that nurture leads at every stage, delivering tangible campaign results.

Targeting High-Value Conversions

With significant customer lifetime values at stake, we target the right audience for optimal ROI.

Industry-Specific Expertise

Our team understands the B2B SaaS sector’s nuances, ensuring your campaigns resonate with decision-makers.

Industry-Specific Expertise

Beyond basic tracking, we offer in-depth analytics, providing clarity and actionable insights.

“SaaS Hero acts as your 6th man. They are truly experts in digital marketing and not only take direction, but act as your partner to provide analysis and insights to better position your company ROI.”

Karen Roberto, VP of Marketing 

Best Practices for PPC Strategy for
Impressive Campaign Results

Keyword Strategy

Opt for high-intent keywords that align with SaaS offerings. A balanced approach can capture a diverse audience.

Optimized Landing Pages

Ensure each landing page is designed to convert, offering a seamless journey from the initial click.

Relevant Ad Copy

Craft ad copy that genuinely addresses the challenges and aspirations of your target audience. Regularly test and refine for optimal engagement.

Strategic Budget Allocations

Implement nuanced strategies to maximize ROI. Consider factors like time of day, geography, and device targeting.

Leverage Advanced Analytics Tools

Employ sophisticated tools to gain deeper insights, allowing for real-time adjustments and improved ROI.

We take the time to truly understand your SaaS business, products, and competitors so we can run PPC campaigns that work, faster.

Here’s how our process works…

PPC Account audit
Competitor research
Conversion tracking set up
Onboarding document completion
Offer analysis
Landing page design
Attribution set up
Keyword research
Retargeting funnel and offers
Ad creative design
Automated workflow implementation
PPC Account audit
Competitor research
Conversion tracking set up
Onboarding document completion
Offer analysis
Landing page design
Attribution set up
Keyword research
Retargeting funnel and offers
Ad creative design
Automated workflow implementation

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the Q’s we get from clients all the time about running PPC campaigns for B2B SaaS. Let us know if we missed anything or if you have more technical questions that require a personal touch.

What services does SaaS Hero provide in the realm of paid search and social?

We manage comprehensive paid search campaigns on platforms like LinkedIn, Google Ads and Bing Ads, and run targeted social campaigns on platforms tailored for B2B SaaS companies.

How should I select a PPC agency?

Consider their track record, client feedback, and industry expertise. An ideal agency should align with your business goals and understand your target audience.

What's the process of hiring a PPC agency?

Begin by defining your objectives and budget. Engage with potential agencies, review their credentials, and ensure they align with your vision before committing.

Why collaborate with a PPC agency?

Working with a results-driven marketing agency offers expertise, tools, and strategies that can elevate your campaigns, ensuring optimal results and freeing you to focus on core business activities.

How can I assess my PPC agency's performance?

Monitor key performance indicators such as conversion growth, cost efficiency, and engagement levels. A transparent and communicative agency will always keep you in the loop.

Do you offer Proof Of Concept (POC) campaigns?
Yes! We love to run POC campaigns with clients who are a) early stage and need help experimenting with campaign ideas quickly or b) want to “dip their toe” into an agency relationship before committing to a more concrete engagement.
How quickly does it take to see results?
In some cases, we can see results immediately after launching campaigns. Other times, we need to learn and iterate before we achieve our primary marketing goals. Our average client sees a significant ROI on their paid campaigns within 2-3 months.
Can you handle creative assets?
Of course! We regularly handle the design and development of creative assets for our clients. We commonly design ad creative, graphics for websites and landing pages, PDF’s for sales collateral, etc.
How do you report on campaign performance?
We use a combination of resources for reporting including Google Data Studio, HubSpot dashboards and other tools. In addition to online reports, we usually spend some time during weekly/bi-weekly touch points digging into campaigns as a group to discuss insights, trends, etc.
How much budget do we need to see results from PPC campaigns for B2B SaaS?
This all depends on your market, competition, advertising channel(s) and several other factors. With that being said, we will always advise you to spend the right amount of money on your campaigns. If we feel that your budget will be ineffective, we’ll be the first to tell you even if it means that delays you hiring us.
How does your typical client engagement work?
Our typical engagement with a new client is a retainer-based contract with an average length of 4-6 months. That time period allows us to test, learn, optimize, and begin to scale. By the end of our initial engagement we’ll know the following – Do we work well together? Are we achieving our primary objectives? What do we need to accomplish next to rapidly accelerate growth?
Do you offer Proof Of Concept (POC) campaigns?

Yes! We love to run POC campaigns with clients who are a) early stage and need help experimenting with campaign ideas quickly or b) want to “dip their toe” into an agency relationship before committing to a more concrete engagement.

How do you charge?
We typically charge a monthly retainer that varies depending on how many ad channels, campaigns, and other services (blogging, email marketing, etc.) we are managing. Total monthly ad spend is factored into this equation as well. There is usually a one-time Plan Integration Fee that varies depending on how much initial work needs to be done in order to launch campaigns (landing page design, copywriting, attribution, etc.).
How quickly does it take to see results?
In some cases, we can see results immediately after launching campaigns. Other times, we need to learn and iterate before we achieve our primary marketing goals. Our average client sees a significant ROI on their paid campaigns within 2-3 months.
Are you comfortable working with an internal marketing team?
Absolutely! We love collaborating with internal marketing teams (and other agencies, for that matter). Our objective is to be as close to an extension of your team as possible, so it’s usually a natural fit.
Can you handle creative assets?
Of course! We regularly handle the design and development of creative assets for our clients. We commonly design ad creative, graphics for websites and landing pages, PDF’s for sales collateral, etc.
How do you communicate with clients?
Our preferred method of communication is to set up a shared Slack channel for regular back-and-forth to discuss campaigns, ideas, etc. on an ad hoc basis (we’re also totally fine with using regular ‘ol email as well). In addition to Slack/email, we typically set up a weekly or bi-weekly call to review current marketing efforts and strategize on new ideas.
How do you report on campaign performance?
We use a combination of resources for reporting including Google Data Studio, HubSpot dashboards and other tools. In addition to online reports, we usually spend some time during weekly/bi-weekly touch points digging into campaigns as a group to discuss insights, trends, etc.
Can you share some references?
Of course! Send an email to hi@saashero.net and we’ll send you the contact info of several of our clients that would be happy to share their experience working with us with you. You can also check out our results page to see some of our most impressive wins.
How much budget do we need to see results from PPC campaigns for B2B SaaS?
This all depends on your market, competition, advertising channel(s) and several other factors. With that being said, we will always advise you to spend the right amount of money on your campaigns. If we feel that your budget will be ineffective, we’ll be the first to tell you even if it means that delays you hiring us.

Ready to get your PPC campaigns on track?

We’ll give you a ton of ideas for free. If you end up hiring us, that’s cool too.